Friday, October 8, 2010


I think i blogged earlier in my rss feeds post about how unmanageable Technorati was. I could not find an easy way to search tags. There was a way to search for words in content and titles of blogs, but all in all it is another unwieldy tool trying to organize the infinite volume of cyber-chatter (of which this blog is part of) on the web.

According to Milton Babbitt, there are two subjects that everybody thinks they are qualified to opine on, regardless if they have actually studied them, Music and Politics. He says that no one would dare express opinions on physics papers without actually having a background in physics, so why should they be allowed to have opinions on the subjects of music and politics which they know nothing about.... WELL. Technorati is here to dispel the myth that those are the only two subjects uneducated people can opine on. And, technorati makes finding the actual scholars in these subjects difficult to find as it provides a platform for the ignorant.

Maybe it's my cynical nature, or my lack of sleep, but the more I explore web apps for learning 2.0 and library applications, the more I think that the web and its apps have become an information landfill. If you're willing to spend a lot of time there in the stench, you MIGHT find something of worth.

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